Watch trends and get notified of anomalies.
You don’t have to invest efforts in interpretations. Zia presents you with trend dashboards for all sales
activities broken down into individual trend charts. Anomalies, which are deviations from the pattern are
plotted on the graph. For ex, if Deal closure for the week falls short of the expected number, you will find
it marked as an anomaly on the Deal Closure trend chart. You will also be notified via Zia notifications.
One of the best things is that you get timely notifications, giving you the power to change the possibilities
of a negative outcome. Zia can change your future.
Zia is Zoho’s AI powered sales assistant. She uses machine
learning and data mining to provide timely alerts and insights on
team performance thereby helping achieve targets and take
care of problems before they happen. Zia does a great job of data
interpretation with no inputs from anyone. In short, she helps you
do your job a lot easily, just like a very resourceful employee.